Showing Collections: 131 - 140 of 865
Chinese in Walla Walla Collection
The Chinese in Walla Walla Collection contains materials related to the Chinese population of Walla Walla, Washington.
Carl Church Papers
The Carl Church Papers contains the artwork, correspondence, and writings, of Carl C. Church. Carl Church created the original drawings of the Oregon State seal and the great seal of Idaho.
Church Family Collection
The Church Family Collection, which dates from the late 1800s through the 1980s, consists of family records, slides, and photograph albums.
Carrie N. Churchill Scrapbook
The Carrie N. Churchill Scrapbook consists of clippings of national newspapers, children’s stories, and stamps. This scrapbook, which dates from roughly 1860 to 1910, also contains cards, and other printed ephemera.
Civilian Conservation Corps Collection
The Civilian Conservation Corps Collection, which dates from 1934 to 1991, contains material related to the Civilian Conservation Corps in Walla Walla, Washington. The collection includes photographs, newspaper clippings, and a newsletter.
Charles Webster Clark Papers
The Charles Clark Papers, which date from circa 1920, contains information about pioneer Charles Clark.
Daniel and Barbara Clark papers
This collection houses the personal papers of Daniel and Barbara Clark. The Clarks are long-time residents of Walla Walla and have been active in many local and international organizations such as Peace Brigades International, The Star Project, the Walla Walla Alliance for the Homeless, and Walla Walla 2020. This collection dates from 1967 to 2024.
Ransom Clark Collection
The Ransom Clark Collection contains ephemera related to Ransom Clark and his cabin. There is a marriage certificate, news clippings about the Ransom Clark cabin, and receipts and surveys. This collection, which dates from 1857 to 1974, also contains estate lists and payments, a bill of sale, and other materials related to the personal and financial life of Ransom Clark.
William S. Clark papers
The William S. Clark Papers contain ephemera related to William S. Clark and the Whitman Seminary. These papers, which date from 1855 through 1934, consist of notebooks, speeches, and scrapbooks. Also included are lists of early Walla Walla settlers, documents on the Nez Perce, and other related material.
Elizabeth Clarke Papers
The Elizabeth Clarke Papers contains the personal diary and scrapbook of Elizabeth Clarke, who was a Whitman College student from circa 1934-1936 and later went on to be a founding member of the Naples Public Library.