Showing Collections: 311 - 320 of 865
A.J. and Mollie Hunt Papers
The A.J. and Mollie Hunt Collection contains materials related to A.J. and Mollie Hunt of Walla Walla, Washington. This collection contains photographs and negatives depicting business signs, and installation of signs. This collection, which dates from 1901 through 1969, also contains interior and exterior images of commercial businesses and other related materials.
Robertta Hunt Photographs
The Robertta Hunt Photographs contains slides of Walla Walla, Washington. These photographs, which date from 1962 through 1989, consist of winter scenes around town, and the annual Walla Walla Balloon Stampede.
B. Lewis Hurd Walla Walla Army Air Field collection
The B. Lewis Hurd Walla Walla Army Air Field collection contains research on 22 of the B-24 Bomber pilots who were stationed at Walla Walla Army Airfield in 1945. The research was conducted from circa 1991 to 1994.
Illustrations from Frank T. Gilbert's "Historic Sketches of Walla Walla County"
The Illustrations from Frank T. Gilbert's "Historic Sketches of Walla Walla County" includes copies of sketches from Frank T. Gilbert’s book "Historic Sketches of Walla Walla County.”
Industrial Workers of the World Records
The Industrial Workers of the World Records contain membership booklets, and the preamble and constitution. These records, which date from 1910 through 1920, also contain records of dues collection and correspondence for this Walla Walla labor union.
Oscar L. Ingram Patents
The Oscar L. Ingram Patents consists of petitions made to the Commissioner of Patents with attached Letter of Patent, issued by the Commissioner, for adding-machines, demountable rims, liquid-level gauges, and air-supply systems.
Inland Airways Incorporated Records
The Inland Airways Incorporated Records house records that pertain to Inland Airways Incorporated of the Pacific Northwest. These records contain documents related to the establishment and operations of Inland Airways, Inc., air transportation reports, and manuals. These records, which date from 1946 through 1952, also contain newspaper clippings, financial reports and other related ephemera.
Inland Empire Pioneer Association Records
The Inland Empire Pioneer Association Records, which date from the mid 1800s to the early 1900s, contain records of members, including their names, addresses, and date of arrival on the Pacific Coast.
Inland Theaters Inc. Records
Theaters in the inland northwest have been owned and operated by the Mercy family since 1912. In the 1930’s, under the business name of Inland Theaters inc., Frederick Mercy senior, and his son Frederick Mercy junior operated fourteen theaters in the region. The Inland Theaters Inc. Records consists of correspondence and other documents relating to the day-to-day operations of Inland Theaters inc.
Inquiry Club Records
On December 26, 1894, in Walla Walla, Washington, a group of business and professional men met and agreed to form the Inquiry Club, which was to serve two purposes. One, to promote the cause of higher education; two, to encourage each other in intellectual pursuits. The Inquiry Club Records contains record books, speeches given by members, constitution, by-laws and membership information from the Inquiry Club.