Box 1
Contains 5 Results:
Journal One, January 1, 1904 - December 31, 1910
The first half contains a day-to-day weather long. The second half, same time period, is more of a diary. Besides working on the family farm, he hired out by the day for various farm jobs. During this period, 1904-1906, he kept a detailed, itemized expense journal.
Journal Two, January 1, 1911 - December 31, 1917
Similar to Journal One. Diary resumes on page 151.
Journal Three, January 1, 1918 - September 18, 1923
Weather data is now included in daily journal entries. Entries include information about friends serving in World War I, the Armistice, and the influenza epidemic. The entry for September 18, 1923 was the last, and it apparently conincided with his move from Walla Walla to Whittier, California.
Journal Four, 1904-1908
Lists of expenditures and bills receivable between 1904-1918
Journal Five, January 1910 to March 1922
Expenses and receipts from January 1910 to March 1922.