Whitman College. Whitman College and Northwest Archives
Found in 66 Collections and/or Records:
Joseph Washington Dickson Diary
The Joseph Washington Dickson Diary, which dates from circa 1980, contains a transcription of Joseph Washington Dickson's diary, relating to his time in the Blue Mountains and his trip to Iowa.
District Court of Walla Walla Records
The District Court of Walla Walla Records, which date from 1860 through 1866, is comprised of photocopies of a probate journal and other records from the Walla Walla County District Court.
Lawrence L. Dodd Papers
Notes, correspondence, photographs, research materials.
Louisa J. Estes Papers
The Louisa J. Estes Papers, which date from circa 1862, includes a copy of her remembrances from a trip across the plains.
Milton Evans Papers
The Milton Evans Papers, which date from circa 1861, contain two copies of Milton's account of settler life and crossing the plains during his 1861 journey.
John A. Fancher Papers
The John A. Fancher Papers, which date from circa 1925, include a copy of his reminiscences entitled "Rancher Quit Railraoding to Farm at Medical Lake."
Frenchtown Collection
The Frenchtown Collection contains materials related to Frenchtown, a town near Lowden in southeast Washington. This colletion, which dates from 1855 through 2018, consists of articles, letters and a history of Frenchtown. Also included is a scrapbook, historical materials and other related ephemra.
Grand Coulee Dam Collection
The Grand Coulee Dam Collection houses material related to the construction of the Grand Coulee Dam and includes photographs, postcards, brochures, souvenir booklets, magazine articles, and scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings about the dam.
Homestead Certificate Collection
The Homestead Certificate Collection consists of certificates of titles to land in Idaho, Oregon, Washington Territory, and Washington.
Illustrations from Frank T. Gilbert's "Historic Sketches of Walla Walla County"
The Illustrations from Frank T. Gilbert's "Historic Sketches of Walla Walla County" includes copies of sketches from Frank T. Gilbert’s book "Historic Sketches of Walla Walla County.”
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Walla Walla (Wash.) 19
- Overland Journeys to the Northwestern United States 9
- Walla Walla County (Wash.) 4
- California 3
- City and Town Life 3
- Pioneers 3
- Architecture 2
- City Planning 2
- Colleges and Universities 2
- Hispanic Americans 2
- Missionaries 2
- Music 2
- Northwest, Pacific 2
- Postcards 2
- Washington (State) 2
- Agriculture 1
- Art -- Washington (State) 1
- Banks and banking 1
- Businesses and Corporations 1
- COVID-19 (Disease) 1
- Cattle brands 1
- Cemeteries 1
- Constitutional conventions 1
- Cookbooks 1
- Elementary and Secondary Education 1
- Fine Arts 1
- Fire fighters 1
- Geology 1
- Grand Coulee Dam (Wash.) 1
- Immigrants -- Washington (State) 1
- Indians of North America -- Northwest, Pacific 1
- Italian Americans 1
- Labor Unions 1
- Latinos and Latinas 1
- Laws and Legislation 1
- Lowden (Wash.) 1
- Medicine and Health 1
- Military History 1
- Métis -- Social life and customs 1
- Nez Percé language 1
- Northwest, Pacific -- History 1
- Oregon 1
- Oregon National Historic Trail -- Description and travel 1
- Photographs 1
- Pioneers -- Northwest, Pacific -- Biography 1
- Pioneers -- Washington (State) 1
- Printing presses 1
- Public Utilities 1
- Public Works 1
- Railroads 1
- Scrapbooks 1
- Spokane language 1
- Theater 1
- Umatilla River Valley (Or.) 1
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
- Walla Walla (Wash.) -- Social life and customs 1
- Washington (State) -- History -- Maps 1
- Wheat farmers -- Northwest, Pacific -- History 1
- Wine 1
- Women -- Washington (State) -- Societies and clubs 1
- World War, 1914-1918 1
- World War, 1939-1945 1 + ∧ less