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Mill Creek Parking Lots Assessment Map. Partial Plot Plan. Walla Walla, Spokane to First Street; Rose to Alder Street. W-45, 1965
The O.D. Keen Construction Service Blueprints houses blueprints drafted and used by O.D. Keen Construction Service for projects in Walla Walla, Washington. Spanning from 1905 through 1984, this collection includes plans and blueprints for Whitman residence halls, Penrose Library, the Young Men's Christian Association building, and many homes and office buildings in the Walla Walla area. There is also a small collection of photographs documenting contruction and labor activiites.
Mill Creek Parking Development, Whitman College Lot B. Engineer: Frank R. Bennett. W-69, 1967
The O.D. Keen Construction Service Blueprints houses blueprints drafted and used by O.D. Keen Construction Service for projects in Walla Walla, Washington. Spanning from 1905 through 1984, this collection includes plans and blueprints for Whitman residence halls, Penrose Library, the Young Men's Christian Association building, and many homes and office buildings in the Walla Walla area. There is also a small collection of photographs documenting contruction and labor activiites.