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Dixie Elementary School Parent Teacher Association scrapbook

Identifier: WCMss763

Scope and Contents

The Dixie Elementary School Parent Teacher Association scrapbook contains newspaper clippings and records of the Association from 1954 to 1955. Topics include a carnival organized by the group, and the demolition of the 1909 Dixie school building.


  • Creation: 1954 - 1955

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Biographical / Historical

Dixie, Washington is located northeast of Walla Walla, along Highway 12 in Walla Walla County. The Dixie Elementary School Parent Teacher Association was a chapter of the Washington Congress of Parents and Teachers. Officers during the year 1954-1955 include Mrs. Robert Kibler (president), Roland Mason (vice president), Mrs. Harold White (secretary), Ernest Anderson (treasurer), Mrs. Robert Schwerin (publicity), and Mrs. Joe Blanc, Jr. (historian).


1.5 Linear Feet (1 flat box)

Language of Materials



Dixie, Washington is located northeast of Walla Walla, along Highway 12 in Walla Walla County. The Dixie Elementary School Parent Teacher Association scrapbook contains newspaper clippings and records of the Association from 1954 to 1955.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Donated to the Whitman College and Northwest Archives by Barlow Corkrum on 2024-04-26.

Guide to the Dixie Elementary School Parent Teacher Association scrapbook
River Freemont
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid written in English.

Repository Details

Part of the Whitman College and Northwest Archives Repository

345 Boyer Avenue
Walla Walla WA 99362 United States