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Meeting Minutes, 1922-1991

Identifier: 1

Scope and Contents

This series consists of records documenting the meetings of the Walla Walla Kiwanis Club. Meeting minutes pertain to the regular weekly meetings of the club membership; activities included musical programs, committee reports, and Camp Kiwanis projects. Board minutes document the board meetings of the club; typical business of the board included treasurers’ reports, fundraising projects, planning for upcoming activities, and deliberation on new members. Meeting sheets record the date and location of meetings, as well as information about the program, guests, and expenses.


  • Creation: 1922-1991


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 3.62 Linear Feet (8 manuscript boxes, 1 small flat box)

Language of Materials


Repository Details

Part of the Whitman College and Northwest Archives Repository

345 Boyer Avenue
Walla Walla WA 99362 United States